4 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
“You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking.” – Einstein
Our thoughts create our reality. To change the outcome of our experience, how we think, how we feel, we have to change our thoughts, right? But how…if our brain is so conditioned to think in a habitual way, how can we change it?
I’m going to be sharing with you 4 ways to reprogram your mind. This video helps you understand how to your habits may be hindering you from attracting the life and people you so desire you want well as the techniques to rewire your brain.
Just like our heart and brain are a marriage, our thoughts and feelings are charged that wires together and this couple creates an electromagnetic field that surrounds our body. That energy from our body sends out a frequency. All frequency carries out information or message that equal to your state of being. Which means it manifest in the physical realm or reality.
If that makes sense. Let me explain it in another way.
When you can’t stop feeling worried or obsessed with things that threatening your stability of life, we go into survival mode. When you’re in a constant state of survival (emotions of fear, stress, worry, and anxiety ) our thoughts instructs the subconscious mind to give off the chemical reaction that produces images in our mind of fear-based would of, could of and should of possibilities. Which means it will manifest fear consequences in the physical realm or reality.
So, for you to change the outcome of your experiences, how you feel, how you think, who you attract in your life, you have to reprogram your subconscious mind.
It all starts with our habits. From the time we wake up in the morning until we lay down to sleep we are on autopilot. Think about it; when we wake up; checking text messages, emails, FB, TW, and Instagram. Think about what someone said yesterday, what appointment is on today’s agenda. Brush your teeth, take a shower, groom your hair, put in the car, drive to work, deal with the same people. Our lives become repetitive. Which means our future become predictable. And it can become so bad that when something new jumps into the mixes of our lives, we probably get upset because there’s an interruption. You freeze as if there’s a glitch in your program.
So, if we broadcast the same frequency day by day we send out the same message. So to reprogram your subconscious thoughts you have to change the message, you have to change the habit.
First thing in the Morning:
Alter Your Brainwave State – Memories, thoughts, and belief are heavily rooted in our subconscious mind even date back to childhood. Our subconscious mind is a memory bank.
For example; let say in your childhood your parents didn’t have enough money to buy the toys, the name brand clothing or the vehicle you wanted. Your subconscious mind remembered that and as you grow up you have difficulties manifesting expensive things. Because your subconscious mind has been programmed to believe “you don’t have enough money” or “you don’t get what you want.”
To make a change in that belief system you have to get down to the memory bank and change it. One of the ways to get access to your subconscious mind is thru the frequency of alpha waves. When we wake up in the morning our brain is in Alpha Waves. You’re awake, relaxed but distraction are fewer. This is the best time for meditation.
Meditation – filters out distracting thought so you can be aware of the negative thoughts that are holding you back from your true potential and releasing the blockage. There are many forms of meditation; such as guided meditation, breathing meditation, mantra meditation.
During the day:
Practice Unlimited Thinking – We already do this with our loved ones, our children and mate. We create visions of who they can become and the great things they can accomplish in life. Star football players or graduate from an ivy league school. Our mates, seeing their potential and help them create it.
Why not have that same unlimited thinking and vision for yourself. Unlimited thinking allows you to get out of your survival mode and think in big ways so you can draw opportunities to you. Unlimited thinking will allow you to experience the feeling before it happens. Therefore, it will raise your frequency and give off a chemical reaction that produces images in our mind of great possibilities.
Think greater than how you feel.
You can listen to motivational speakers while driving to work, listen to the success stories, read self-help books…anything to keep your unlimited think vivid, alive.
Before you fall asleep:
Reprogram before you sleep – For those who have this habit of falling asleep while the television is on or music playing, this is the perfect opportunities to reprogram your subconscious mind. 15 minutes before you fall asleep your brain goes into alpha waves. This is the time when your subconscious mind is open to receive messages and awakening memories. That ever is playing in the background, your subconscious mind downloads that information which is our Reptilian brain. The reptilian brain in charge of our survival; for our flight, fight or freeze responses, for sexual behaviors, anger in response to danger, and most of all – fear.
So instead of falling asleep watching the news, violent movies or another lie, listen to soft, soothing and relaxing music. This is also the best time to feed your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and energy to help manifest unlimited thinking goals or desire. Try sleeping to positive affirmation, binaural beats, or record your voice with positive or success messages.
Preserve Your Energy – My last video on “How to change your self-image”, I mentioned 90% of our thoughts are from the day before. Which means we’re still living in the past. Living in the past is wasting our energy. Also, think about the people in our surrounding are could be energy vampires. That’s why its best not the share you unlimited thoughts to people especially those who have not achieve those goals themselves. They don’t have to say it but their energy emits out are “you sure you want to start now or you may want to wait on that”. And you will surprise those people can be your best friends, family members, teachers.
As soon as we make a consistent action, you create a new state of mind, it now comes to a lifestyle; we start to change our gene expressions, epigenetics.
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