How to Supercharge Your Intentions to Manifest FAST

In this episode, I talked about how to have clear and specific intentions and how to supercharge the intentions using some powerful magnetic techniques, so you can manifest so much faster.

Everything up to this very moment was created by your intention. You had an idea, that idea is the seed that you plant into your subconscious mind that you planned to carry out.

You then created a strong emotion to a create a vibration that transmits messages out to the outer world. Those messages turned into coincidence events, consequences, and experiences.

We all have desire and dreams and I’m sure you have a couple you’re wishing to manifest but haven’t.  Well.. there could be a couple of reasons:

  1. You were not specific about your intentions. You either generalized or you catch yourself focusing your intentions on what you didn’t want.
  2. You didn’t give enough energy to charge and magnetized your intentions.
  3. You may have caused resistance by trying to control the outcome of your manifestation.
  4. You just gave up and say “It’s not working”.

We cannot dictate to the universe on “how” a certain situation should play out.  When we take control or dictate the outcome, we’re limiting ourselves from our true potential and receiving the blessings or miracle.  

Let’s say, one of your goals is to buy your dream home. But, it hasn’t manifest yet. As I have stated for #2, you may be lacking energy. Your self-talk may sound more like “I don’t think I can afford the house I want.”  “I don’t have money for a down payment.” These negative phrases are negative energy; doubt is negative energy. The intention of you buying that dream home has become weakened in vibration and frequency.

Even if you gave up on your dream home or interested in getting a dream home,  here’s how you can supercharge your clear intentions.

Step 1: Have a clear and specific intention. Let’s say….your intentions is to be rich. The statement “I want to be rich” is vague. It doesn’t have substances, features or essence. For example, you can have an abundant of cars and be rich. Or, you can have an abundance of clothes and be rich. Instead of just saying “I want to be rich”, talk about experiencing the lifestyle of a rich person. What would rich people say? “I am a world travelers”, “Money works for me”.

If you could….grab a journal and write down (1) clear intention you want to manifest.

“I intend to be living in my dream home.”

With the clear intention include details. Using the dream home as an example, you can write down, in the present tense, “I have a 4 bedroom house, 2 1/2 bath. It would have Macassar Ebony hardwood floors, kitchen with marble gradient countertops, with stainless steel appliances, 2 car garage and a rec room…… etc.” I have personally noticed that when I include features of my intentions, it builds more energy than just be generalized. Adding features to your intentions creates a more accurate manifestation.

Step 2: What are the essence of these features? Essence is the reasons why you want those features from step #1. How would you feel when you have those features? For example; a house in a gated community/subdivision can make you feel safe and private neighborhood. Or, when you look out your window in your dream house you see trees and nature. That may make you feel like you’re living in the country.

Step 3: Create a mental movie of you living in that house. You can start the movie with you drive your car up to the driveway. You hit the garage door opener from inside your car.  As you drive in the garage, you noticed lawn equipment and tools nicely position on the right wall in the garage. As you get out of the car, you grab the groceries from the trunk and walk to the door and enter your key to unlock the door.

You walk upstairs and turn to your left to see beautiful modern style kitchen. You place the groceries on the marble gradient countertops. As you pull the groceries out of the bags you turn to your right to open the stainless steel refrigerator to put the groceries away. etc.

Step 4: Create the emotions using sensory perception as you play your own character in the movie. How would you feel if you told your family and friends you got your dream house? Excited…I bet. Who are you telling about your dream house? What’s the weather as you tell your friends how excited you are to accomplish your biggest goal?  Is there an aroma you smell in the background…food? fragrance? The more details you include in your intentions the more your mind will be receptive to those thoughts.

Step 5: Have patience. We can’t give a deadline on the manifestation time frame. Allow the energy of your thoughts, emotions, and idea to come together to manifest your desires in the physical realm. Certain events, people, circumstance have to take place first before you can get what you desire. Therefore, you have to be patient. If you have been in the state of mind of lack; especially the lack money for years, manifestation of a dream home may delay. The mindset of lack is negative energy.  Could there be limited belief, maybe from the past, that’s could cause you to feel lack?

Step 6: Start paying attention to how your day goes. The shift in energy. Pay attention to certain people that come into your life, the opportunities that have been presented to you. They would be in alignment with your clear and precise intentions. I’m sorry…but we can’t continue to call this coincidence.

Step 7: Show gratitude. Being in the state of mind of gratitude is living in high vibratory frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster it transformed in physical form. Whether you’re having a good or bad day; always show gratitude. It will do a 180-degree change in circumstances, feelings and thoughts. Trust me, I have experiences miracles when I gave gratitude to an unfavorable situation.  But… everytime you experience small synchronicity events (showing proof that you’re on the right track), do your due diligence and be thankful. Thank yourself for moving thru far.

Practice these techniques for at least 21 days. These new thoughts or intentions will be ingrained in your subconscious mind. After 21 days it will start to form a habit. The thoughts of this dream house will come from below the surface of your subconscious mind to your conscious mind naturally. Those thoughts will bring certain emotions. The more elevated emotions you create within a thought the more you magnetized the intentions.

Those are my tips on how to supercharge your intentions so you can manifest so much faster. Do you have a supercharge intention tips you want to share with the community?

Let’s hear it!



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