signs of a weak solar plexus chakra

Signs of a Weak Solar Plexus Chakra | How to Balance Solar Plexus Chakra

Welcome to another series on the Chakra! I’m Nan Ross, and today’s episode is “Signs of a Weak Solar Plexus Chakra,” The “powerhouse,” the “seat of the soul,” and the “city of jewels.” 

The solar plexus chakra is the third of the seven main chakras in the human body. (Check out my 1st Chakra Signs of Weak Root Chakra and the 2nd Signs of Weak Sacral Chakra Chakra.)

Each of the seven major chakra stores our stories, wounds, childhood conditioning, and inherited energy. The conditions of the chakras make up our personality. 

As the chakras are open and aligned, our energy is constantly free-flowing, allowing prana to flow through them. 

However, when a chakra is blocked or weak, energy can not flow freely, resulting in physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, and low energy. 

Here are the seven major chakras in our bodies in which energy flows:

The Root Chakra is the 1st Energy Center – located at the tailbone.

The Sacral Chakra is the 2nd Energy Center – located in the lower abdomen 3-4 inches below your belly button.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the 3rd Energy Center – located on the upper abdomen.

The Heart Chakra is the 4th Energy Center – located in the center of your chest, just above the heart.

The Throat Chakra is the 5th Energy Center – located in the throat.  

The Brow Chakra (also known as the Third Eye) is the 6th Energy Center – located in the forehead between the eyes.

The Crown Chakra is the 7th Energy Center – located at the top of the head.

The solar plexus chakra relates to our personal power and self-esteem.

Location: at the navel up to the rib cage

The key characteristics of the Solar Plexus Chakra:

• Acceptance

• Confidence

• Respect

• Discipline

• Will power

• Beliefs

Associated organs/glands: solar plexus, skin, large intestine, stomach, spleen, liver, eyes, pancreas

Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

When balanced, our Solar Plexus gives us empowerment. We’re confident in ourselves and in achieving our goals. We respond well to criticism from other people; we see ourselves as “good enough.”

A balanced solar plexus chakras make one remain confident, strong, and caring during the conflict. They believe difficulties are life lessons by letting go of defensiveness and anger.

A balanced solar plexus chakras play a big part in our relationships. When we are aligned with our solar plexus, we engage in a healthy, joyful relationship from a place of feeling whole. Someone is more relaxed, respectful, confident, and compassionate.

Emotional symptoms of Underactive Solar Plexus

Do you have “gut-related experiences”? Do certain situations make you “feel nauseous”? Or have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? 

When the solar plexus is underactive, we may feel powerless. Our self-esteem is low, and these insecurities or overcompensation and false representation of ourselves. We allow negative thoughts and talk from others to fester, which leads to doubting ourselves. We distrust our friends, family, and partners in our relationships. 

Some of the emotional syndromes of an underactive solar plexus are:

• Excessive worrying

• Depression or anxiety

• Fear

• Insecurities

• Guilt

• Codependency

• Frustration

Emotional Symptoms of Overactive Solar Plexus

Anger is the more severe effect of an overactive solar plexus. When we become angry, we lose blood from the stomach area, starving the organs associated with the solar plexus.

 Emotional symptoms or behaviors of an overactive solar plexus:

• Egotistical

• Overcritical

• Demanding

• Controlling

• Anger

• Aggressive

• Power hungry

Physical Symptoms of a Weak Solar Plexus chakra

• Indigestion

• Bloating

• Acid reflux

• Nauseous after eating

• Blood sugar dysregulation

• Difficulty with weight

• Middle back pains

Life Lessons of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Within the solar plexus lies empowering life lessons:

1. Self-acceptance. 

Accept your fate and your life experiences, whether good or bad. Show gratitude for the wisdom you have gained from those experiences.

Also, learning to accept all kinds of people from different races and social or economic statuses. Accept their dark side because everyone on this planet has a purpose. You may not know their purpose, and it’s none of your business to find out.  

2. Manage our emotions. 

This lesson can be difficult when we’re going through hardships, stress, and family issues but expressing and handling your emotions daily instead of suppressing them. 

3. Self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the ability to focus on our thoughts, emotions, and actions and determine if they align with our values. Self-awareness allows us to look inward and recognize the effect we have on others, which brings happier and better relationships.

4. Eating Mindfully

We have a healthier mindset around food and a more enjoyable and healthful eating experience while eating mindfully. Pay attention to what and how you consume your food—reducing the speed of eating so you can focus on the food’s smell, taste, and texture. Try choosing food without guilt and be aware of fullness and satisfaction cues to decide what, when and how much to eat. 

Since yellow is the color that resonates with this chakra feed your solar plexus yellow foods, including yellow-colored fruits and vegetables such as pineapple, mango, yellow squash, yellow bell peppers, and banana.

Ginger and turmeric are both natural herbs for their positive effects on digestion. It helps alleviate gas and bloating and is highly anti-inflammatory to support healthy digestion. 

5. Moving Meditation – Yoga

Yoga is a form of moving meditation, and there are five poses to build self-esteem and cultivate confidence. There are:

• Downward Facing Dog

• Plank Pose

• Warrior II Pose

• Lunge Pose

• Chair Pose

Tai Chi or Qigong

When we focus on our feelings, emotions, and body parts, the energy goes where our mind sends it. Qigong is a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, and breathing techniques. 

Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Writing affirmation is a powerful practice to reinforce and reprogram our belief systems and heal and balance the solar plexus. Here are a few solar plexus chakra affirmations you can write daily and keep where you can see them. 

“I can and will achieve my goals.”

“I embrace and own my power.”

“I am perfectly imperfect.”

“I am worthy of setting boundaries.”

That’s my take on the Signs of a Weak Solar Plexus Chakra.  Do you have a tip? Please share..until the next energy healing post…


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