signs of a weak heart chakra

Signs of a Weak Heart Chakra | How to Balance Heart Chakra

Welcome to another chakra series video. I’m Nan Ross, and today’s episode is “Signs of a Weak Heart Chakra.

Today we will discuss the fourth energy center out of the seven chakras in the body. If you have not been caught up by now, please check out my other three chakra videos in the description let’s get started.

So let’s begin by defining chakra in Sanskrit. The word chakra means “wheel.” So it’s a spinning wheel of energy centers in our body. We have hundreds of chakra in our body, but the main seven are situated along the spine from the base to the crown of the head. These electromagnetic vortices take in and redistribute energy, well life force energy in and around the body that helps our nervous system, organs, glands, and muscles perform at their best. Therefore, the conditions of the chakra will affect our physical, mental, emotional, and well-being.

Chakra stores our stories, beliefs, and even wounds. So, think of each chakra as an individual chapter in a book.  Like your book of life. So, it will house all your experience, including patterns tied to childhood conditioning, inherited, or even generational energy. Now each color of the chakra blends and expresses itself in a unique way that forms our original individual.

And as I mentioned, the chakras’ conditions will make up our personality. However, over time, when we go through stress or trauma, the chakras can spend at a fast pace that will eventually break down and slowly deplete the rotation. So, when this happens, it takes energy because it must get it from somewhere else.

It takes the energy from a healthy spinning cycle, um, helped a healthy spinning chakra, eventually weakening the others. So, the fast movement that we will be [00:03:00] referencing in this presentation is what we call “overactive.” The slow movement is what we call “weak” or “underactive chakra.” So unprocessed emotions, including emotional patterns, trauma, and stress, would also affect the condition of the chakra, manifesting into physical storage symptoms.

Now here are the seven major chakras in the body.

  • The root chakra is located at the tailbone.
  • The sacred chakra is located in the lower abdomen.
  • The solar plexor chakra is located in the upper abdomen.
  • The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart.
  • The throat chakra is located in the throat.
  • The brow chakra, also known as the third eye, is located in the forehead between [00:04:00] the eyes.
  • The crown chakra is located at the top of the head.

Now the heart chakra is, of course, the chakra of love, joy, and inner peace. The heart chakra allows us to feel and sense the natures of others. So, they are in the center of the chest.

The key characteristics are:

  • Unconditional love. That’s free of ego.
  • Compassion
  • Forgiveness
  • Understanding
  • Inner peace and
  • Empathic

The key issues are passion, inner child issues, and rejection, and the associated glands or organs are the heart, thymus gland, breasts, ribcage, lungs, skin, hands, arms, and upper back. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is also known as Anahata, which means unhurt, unstuck, and unbeaten. Anahata is associated with the element air.

Now air, including our breath, represents love, openness, freedom, and intellect. Air, just like love, is within and all around us. This air element is also associated with the sense of touch. Now, air and touch are inseparable. So, our skin through which we receive touch moves with the actions of holding, giving, and receiving.

And this could be feeling the sun’s warmth on our skin or touching nature and making contact with the earth beneath our feet.

So here are some of the signs of a balanced heart chakra. When a heart chakra is balanced, we feel compassionate. Love not just for ourselves but for others. We are also empathic and understanding. The heart cha is also associated with the thymus gland, which plays an important part in our immune system.

Now, the thymus gland produces T cells that respond to and destroy viruses and bacteria, and then it remembers the attack when it happens again. Therefore, a balanced heart chakra gives us a strong immune system, giving us the ability to.

A balance Anahata makes us feel open to life, to new people, and accept the world as it is without overthinking or intellectualizing; everything, and challenges, that we all go through, especially in relationships, flow through you and are easily resolved. So here are some emotional symptoms of an underactive heart chakra.

So, if unhealed heartbreaks from the past relationship, especially your first love, can come from a place of pain, fear, and distress for ourselves and others. So, an underactive heart chakra can cause problems in our relationships, such as:

  • Excessive isolation
  • Fear of rejection
  • Loneliness
  • Holding grudges
  • Possessiveness
  • Judgmental, and
  • Fear of intimacy.

Now, here are the emotional symptoms of an overactive heart chakra. Remember, overactive is spinning, fast, a little too fast. And some of those symptoms and behaviors would be:

  • Jealousy
  • Codependency
  • Staying in toxic or abusive relationships
  • High expectations of others (they want their partner to be perfect).
  • The harsh judgment of others
  • Need acceptance
  • Overly sacrificing.

Here are some of the physical symptoms of a weak heart chakra.

  • Low immune system. You can easily or frequently get colds, flu, and infections.
  • Heart issues
  • Chest pains
  • High or even low blood pressure
  • Respiratory and breathing difficulties such as bronchitis or even asthma.

There are life’s lessons of the heart chakra.

1. Forgiveness. When we live in the past and hold on to fear, anger, and resentment, we hinder ourselves from manifesting our blessings. Love and compassion are healing, and forgiveness will free you from holding on to the past.

So, instead, transmute all the negative energy and the negative emotion into devotion. So, when we say, “I don’t have to forgive them, or I’m not accepting, apologies, I’ll just focus on my money,” we’re still holding onto that negative energy. And that will block us from new opportunities, new beginnings, true love, and even money opportunities.

But remember, you’re not forgiven for someone. You forgive for yourself because when we forgive, we are taking back our power.

2. Self-reflection. Now, most of us have this superficial perception of love. We want to look at love as being in love. We want the ring; we want the wedding. We want someone with money who can hold, kiss and love us all over.

But a relationship is more than just love. It is about learning the lessons from past relationships. So, ask yourself, were there any red flags that you have ignored, or what habits or behaviors or self-limited beliefs probably played a big part in the relationship? We can no longer have this victimized consciousness when we reflect on these lessons. We would know when it’s time to gracefully let go. We would know our self-worth and when to compromise.

3. Gratitude. It’s okay to accept that something has come to an end. Just say, “Thanks, but this relationship wasn’t for me.” The goal is to carry pain and resentment to the next relationship. When we carry emotional baggage, we come from a place of ego. Look, all things happen, and people come into our life for a reason.

So, find something to be grateful for. Hey, give thanks when you get up and can breathe or even give things to an end to a relationship because it could be a blessing in disguise at the end of the day.

4. Getting back to self-love. See, relationships are a direct reflection of our relationship with ourselves. Thinking about it, before that partner came into your life, what were you doing most likely? You’re probably practicing self-love. You were pampering with self-care, getting mani and pedi, going to the gym, or having fun with your friends.

And then, after months or years in this intimate relationship, we slowly lose ourselves and consume all of our energy around that partner. So, get back to a balance. And one way to do it is by practicing self-love routines.

So how do we balance the heart chakra?

1. Breathwork. We tend to take breathing for granted. Breathing techniques are among the most respective tools for centering the heart. So, we must honor it. Breathwork will help us connect with the greatest force that ties in within our physical and spiritual world. The air is calming. It brings harmony to mind and the heart.

2. Spending time in Nature. Here’s a question. What color comes to mind when you think of nature? Yes. Green for the trees, the grass, the forest, and even the park. The heart chakra is associated with green for transformation and positive energy. So, spending time outdoors or walking in nature will help reconnect you with the soil to stimulate and activate the heart.

3. Heal from heartbreaks. And I know this can be challenging, and heartbreak can sometimes feel devastating; it might feel like death. So, I know it’s a struggle to keep our hearts open after we have given so much energy, time, and emotion. We were often close to love as a protection to avoid more hurt or pain. So have you ever heard someone say, “I’m protecting my heart. I’m not open to loving anyone,” but that’s doing more damage than good. We can still protect our hearts without closing them off to love completely.

It starts with the grieving process. Grieving facilitates healing. Sometimes, we want to avoid it. We want to avoid releasing our emotions by distracting ourselves with day-to-day life, such as work and school, or even substance abuse. Because we don’t want to take the time to feel our pain. So, bringing awareness to the heart chakra will help you identify some of those emotions and help you understand the nuance of the imbalance.

4. Heart-opening meditation. When our mind is out of balance, our heart feels heavy. A heart-opening meditation is going to help you open the stagnant energy that’s in the heart.

And this is a simple, quick meditation. All you must do is place your hand on your heart, and in conjunction with the breathwork like I mentioned earlier, you’re going to visualize energy flowing out and back into the heart. And since the heart is associated with the color green, you can visualize green energy flowing out and back into the heart. This meditation is also suitable for practicing self-compassion and self-love.

5. Moving Meditation/Yoga. I love moving meditation, and practicing stretches directs your mind and your physical attention to the heart energy center. And that’s a great way to balance it. Here are just a few hearts opening poses.

  1. Cow pose
  2. Standing backend
  3. Cobra pose
  4. Camel pose
  5. Lotus pose

6. Healing Crystals. I strongly believe crystals have healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. Ancient cultures also believe that crystals promote the flow of healing energy and help get rid of the mind and body of negative energy.

Of course, you probably heard about the most popular crystal, the Rose Quartz. This beautiful pink crystal purifies and opens the heart to promote pure love, unconditional love, self-love, and friendship.

Having rose quartz around you will enable your heart chakra to acquire that support and feelings of peace.

Then we have the Rhodochrosite. It’s a mouthful, but it symbolizes emotional healing. It’s also the rescue stone that keeps you grounded while releasing stagnant emotions and bringing them to the surface. So once the energy has been released, you must replace it with good energy. And grounding is replacing the energy by reconnecting with the earth.

Then we have the Green Aventurine. That is the stone I was wearing at the beginning of my video. It helps shift from the mind to the heart, and this stone would give off earthly love and abundance. Carrying the Green Aventurine would nurture and revitalize the heart chakra. It also gives peace and empowerment to the heart.

Then we have the lucky Jade. The good luck and the love stone that attracts people and emotions will help heal your heart chakra. With the intentions, and you want to have intentions when working with any crystals, but intending to strengthen your heart space, the Jade will help you track more love into your life.

And then we have the Amazonite, where if you are going through some chaos in your relationship, this stone will help you survive the battlefield. Its bold and beautiful stone tackles emotional difficulty and brings harmony to relationships.

And last but not least, Malachite is the love and protection stone. This stone allows you to love freely, be open to new growth, and take risks in life that are good for you.

7. Affirmation. Self-prophecy is a wonderful way to balance the heart chakra by reinforcing and reprogramming self-love.

“I am worthy of love.”

“I forgive and others.”

“I deeply love and accept myself.”

And “My heart is open to love.”

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Checkout my other chakra videos:

Signs of Weak Root Chakra

Signs of Weak Sacral Chakra

Signs of Weak Solar Plexus Chakra

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