How to Stop Negative Thinking Patterns

Overcoming negative thoughts can be quite challenging. Let’s say we have applied all the Law of attraction technique for positive thinking but we still may be struggling with unwanted, negative thoughts that creep out of nowhere and disrupt our image of achieving a goal or just having a better life.

Negative thoughts can haunt us for days, weeks, months and years. It can also have a devastating impact on our relationships, health, career and wealth. When we rehash negative thoughts over and over again it makes us angrier because the issue becomes magnified in our mind. Based on research, repetitive negative thoughts can also lead to anxiety, depression, compulsive behavior.

So…here’s a few techniques to stop dwelling on negative thoughts and refocus mind on more positive thoughts. It will take some training and willpower but these techniques work.

Postpone the Thoughts

If something is really bothering us; it’s quite difficult to get our mind off of it. Research from APA (American Psychological Association) has found that when we suppress thoughts for a few minutes caused it to return even more prominently in our minds later.

Resisting negative thoughts is counter-intuitive.

So instead postpone the thought.  Set a limited period of time (30 minutes) when you can allow the negative thoughts to run wild in your mind.

Here’s an example: you receive an unexpected bill. It’s quite a hefty amount of money that needs to solved within a couple of days or weeks. You start to create thoughts based on your emotions around this bill. Like “I can’t get out of debt.”. “I can’t afford this bill.”

Instead of these self-sabotaging thoughts that are rehashing throughout the day, tell yourself “I will take care of this issue at later date. Right now I need to handle other things.”

When we give our mind orders to address the thought or problem at a later time this can help avoid worrying throughout the day. When we postpone our thoughts not only do we avoid resistance but we acknowledge our feelings. The more we acknowledge our feeling towards an emotion of situation…it’s less likely that those thoughts would return.

Address the Negative Thoughts

Acknowledge the negative thoughts pattern…allow to feel the emotions of that thought.  And then Ask yourself: If the statement is true or false or is this thought useful for me at this time?  Are these thoughts holding me be back from finding a solution?

Reframe the Thoughts

Most people focus on their problems. So..when we think about our problems, speak about our problems, write about our problems, post your problems…your problems will grow. And the more attention (or energy) we give our problems …it would just intensify the magnitude of that problem.

Energy flow where attention goes.

When you decrease the level of attention you give your problem….the faster the solution will manifest.

Instead of thinking about the problem re frame the situation by having thoughts of the opposite. This is understanding the Law of Polarity. The Law of Polarity states that everything has poles,  there’s an opposite to everything. For example; hot and cold, good and bad. They are the same; it’s just two extremes of the same thing.

So..instead of focusing on the problem…concentrate on the opposite which is the solution.

Change our Thought Frequency Channel

Our thoughts come from our programming from the television, radio, music, advertising. Thoughts are also frequency. Whatever frequency you’re tuned to you will attract similar thoughts.

So..if you remain on that one frequency or channel those similar or collective thoughts you will start to draw conclusions of what you see, heard or felt. Which means, your social circle plays a huge part in your frequency channel.

Negative thoughts are debilitating. You’re giving your thoughts power and its You’re putting your brain in a vulnerable state of mind. Is this useful?

Be Grateful For What You Already Have

Regardless of the type of problem, or situation that causing these negative thoughts; when we show gratitude for what we have already, the more good blessing or manifestation will come to you. Being grateful raises your vibration….. problems will be solved without you taking any physical action or you will be intuitively guided to take an inspired action to leads to results.

When you feel gratitude; you get more synchronicity events happening. You feel happier, you feel rich, abundance.

We allow our mind to wander freely…we don’t monitor our thoughts as we should. We allow negative and self-sabotaging thoughts to have a permanent stay in our minds.

Those are my tips on how to stop dwelling on negative thoughts. Do you have a tip? Leave a comment and let me know.

Until the next energy healing post….



Credit: APA – Suppressing the ‘white bears’, By Lea Winerman October 2011, Vol 42, No. 9, Print version: page 44


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