Six signs your friends are toxic (friend breakup)

6 Signs Your Friends are Toxic Too!

Sometimes you have to break up with your friends because they could be toxic too. So, I thought I rhyme about it. Giggles!

They secretly compete with you

You get a Lexus; they get a Mercedes. 

You get your bachelor’s; they go for their master’s. 

You start your own business; they start theirs as well. 

You got a nice shape; they get BBL. 

They’re haters

They always make excuses to be unavailable to celebrate your victory.

They downplay your accomplishment because of the misery. 

They know that you are on a diet, and they see you losing weight, but they want to swing by with a red velvet cake. 

This friend only wants to talk about your negative setbacks so they can go and gossip behind your back. 

They leech off of you

Now, these friends only text you once in a blue moon.

They don’t ask how you are doing because they assume. 

They start with, “I hope all is well,” followed by four paragraphs crying that they failed. 

Then it ends with, “Can I borrow some money” that they never pay; assuming you’re going to Cash App. 

They take your kindness for weakness

They only want to hang out with you for accolades because they know that you throw parties with free food, drinks, and men, and now they want to come and get drunk and laid.

But when they make plans, they never include you because they don’t want their man to know that you a part of the crew. 

Then they expect you to pay for their lunch because they are unemployed, but they never returned a favor, so they avoid.

They don’t value your time

So your friend hosted an event that starts at eight, and you are always the first to show up to pull weight. 

But when you host an event around the same time, they stood you up at a drop of a dime. 

They’re energy vampires

Let’s say your friend called you up to vent. After two hours, they say, “Enough about me; how your day went?” You say, “I’m trying to get this paper.”

They cut you off and said, I’ll talk to you later.

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