20 Signs Youre Not Over an Ex

20 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex

Are you ready for the 20 signs?

  1. When you get drunk and think about your ex, you start crying or angry and start picking fights with random people.
  2. You have no desire to pursue a love interest.
  3. You still have dreams about your ex.
  4. You have a one-night stand thinking it’s going to make you feel any better, but it doesn’t because you got so messed up the night before you can’t even remember his name.
  5. You call the new person in your life by your ex’s name.
  6. You get anxious or angry when you see your ex with someone else, especially when he/she is attractive.
  7. You obsessively still think about them, especially at bedtime.
  8. You send subliminal messages or jab about your ex on social media. This can backfire. What if you two get back together?  You must delete all those nasty posts and convince everyone that “we’re trying to make things work.”
  9. You talk a lot about your ex while you’re on a date.
  10. You isolate and withdraw yourself from your family and friends. These are the ones that say, “there are no good men out there,” but stay stuck in the house.
  11. Spitefully and maliciously take away what your ex values the most – the children and money. Such as preventing the parent from seeing their children.  Some even go back to the court requesting an increase in child support.
  12. You get angry when your ex doesn’t respond.
  13. You hold back from intimacy when you’re on dates. If you’ve started a new relationship, you guard your heart.
  14. You compare the next person to your ex. Or date someone that reminds you of your ex.
  15. You keep their last name after a divorce. Forbes “Keeping a married name can keep you stuck in a romantic relationship that has since ended.” Names have vibration and frequency. You will be tied to that frequency until you change it.
  16. You seem to bump into them a few times accidentally.
  17. You still keep photos and reminisce back the time you’ve spent together.
  18. You sent a random gibbous text hoping that they would respond.
  19. You attend your ex-wedding or their family events.
  20. You try to prove you’re happy by overcompensating. You post on social media that you’re living your best life, loving yourself to compete with your ex.

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