Mind hacks to get over your ex

Mind Hack to Get Over Your Ex

Here is my three-step mind hacks to get over your ex. Are you sure you’re ready?

Now this powerful mind hack is done in threes. It’s three steps for three minutes. Three times a day for three weeks. Now when done correctly, there are a couple of things that will happen. 

  1. You won’t even think about your ex.
  2. No emotional triggers when someone mentions your ex’s name.

So are you ready? 

1. Replay the story. I know you’ve been thinking about this one story a hundred times a day that gets under your skin. It makes you so angry, rehearsing the scene on what he said or did. But this time, I want you to start paying attention to the details.

Concentrate on your sensory perception.  

  • What colors do you see?  
  • Describe your environment. (Are you in the house, outdoors, or the car?) 
  • What sounds do you hear? (Kids crying, dog barking, or sirene outside? 

Once you put together this actual Movie, you will start to feel some tension, heaviness, and emotion that will eventually come to the surface. Most of us would rather bury the feelings, but we must confront them to heal from them.

2. Fade out the story. Use a dim color to fade out the story. Mute the sounds and visualize your ex pulling back further and further away from you until they disappear. 

3. Create a new movie. Create a new reality where you have already accomplished a goal. Never visualize how you are going to achieve the goal. Visualize the result. 

If you want to start your own business, then imagine clients calling. Visualize that you’re speaking on the stage. Imagine you have published a book, and your fans ask for your autograph.

Do you want to find new love? Visualize that person in front of you, and they are faithful. They are devoted, they love you unconditionally, and they are supportive. 

You want to include sensory perception for this last step as well. 

Visual: What’s the physical location when you share the news with a friend? Who’s there with you?

Sound: Can you hear “Congratulations!” “That’s great news.

Emotions: How would you feel if, after that breakup, you made a dream come true? You will be happy as hell, right? 

Take this new reality, visualize the storyboard expanding until you’re inside this bubble, and then smile!

So remember three steps for 3 minutes, three times a day for three weeks, and let me know what you think. 

I love my hacks.

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