Signs he's about to leave you. More breakup clues

Signs He’s About to Diss You (more breakup clues)

Here are the signs that he is about to D-I-S-S you…more breakup clues. 

My D-I-S-S clues can be obvious. Sometimes they could be subtle. 

D = Delay and defensiveness. 

He wants you to revolve around his schedule. He will respond when it’s convenient for him. He says that he’s five minutes away. He arrives two hours later. While you’re talking on the phone, he interrupts you and says, “Let me call you back,” But he doesn’t. Instead, he will send a text the next day saying, “My bad, I got tied up.” 

His behavior triggers you to ask him questions. Oh, girl! That’s when that second D comes in – defensiveness. He snapped at any question you asked. He nitpicks on everything that you say or do. He intentionally pushes your buttons, so you can react out of your character, call you crazy to make an excuse to walk away, or give you the solid treatment. It’s a repetitive domino effect.

I = Impersonal and Inconsistent 

The telephone greeting has changed from “Good morning, beautiful” to “Yeah” or “What’s up?” Trying to spend time with him seems like a chore for him. And when together, he’s still absent because he’s busy on his phone, playing that stupid game, or even working on his laptop. 

Then he switched from hot to cold. Now, unless he’s moody and stressed, that’s understandable. But if that’s not the case, that means his thrill is gone. The chase has ended, he is bored, and he’s not looking forward to putting the effort to work on the relationship. 

S = Stop and Start 

He stopped initiating intimacy. The sexual flame has burnt out.

He stopped putting a smile on your face, no flowers, no dining out, no gift, and not even a home-cooked meal. 

But he will start subtly talking about breakups. He will say:

“I don’t want to hurt you.” 

“I can’t get this right.”

“I can’t make you happy.” 

“You deserve better.”

S = Selective and Secretive.

He is selective of the type of information he will share with you. He will tell you 25% of the story because he does not want you to know what’s going on in his life. He will secretly remove his belongings from your place, like missing his toothbrush and the slippers; the three boxer briefs and the two pairs of ankle socks are gone.

What should you do?

I want you to breathe and stay calm. Respectfully approach him. Don’t be drunk, high, or crying. Be firm and serious. “We need to talk.” 

He may be huffing, puffing, rolling his eyes, or sucking his teeth. But don’t let that energy throw you off course. Relax. Tell him:

“I feel_______ “ and fill in the blank. 

“I feel hurt.” or

“I feel like I’m losing you. I want to know where this relationship is going?”

Based on his response, you can decide if you want to stay and work it out or walk away. Remember, it’s your free will, but it’s also your peace of mind.

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